Friday 4 September 2009

Thursday 3rd while I was away...

... in London, well they got things a little wrong !
One major ceiling beam was 10cm too low :-(
Anyway after much discussion and looking at the plans, I managed to convince them to re-set it where it should have been...
You can see that they already set it wrongly twice before (hence the 6 unused holes), oh well, we got there in the end.
I prefer not to think how much this trial-and-error method did cost me in labour time, but hey, the main thing is that we've got our 2m10 ceiling level in the kitchen, and that it did not take too long to get there.
2m10 is already a low ceiling (in line with the rest of the house though), but it is the best compromise and it gives us a nice headroom in the bedroom upstairs...

...But 2m, NO WAY !
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