Friday 16 October 2009

Priming in progress...

As usual, spending a fortune on the right-kind-of-paint-for-the-job, meet our big can of aluminium primer, which has to be used here as the windows are all hardwood.
We'll also use it for the overhanging parts of the roof, the soffit boards and the sprockets (more on this tomorrow).
After, the primer, we'll need 1 layer of undercoat, and 2 coats of gloss.
At 1h15 per window per coat on average, with 6 windows requiring 4 coats, get your brain moving = 30hours of painting !!

i can see why some people choose PVC windows...

But you can't compare, pvc will never look as nice as timber window, you can't beat them, NEVER !!
(Hervé is in denial)
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