Thursday 22 October 2009

OH by the way...

Although the boiler is not functioning, I was happy and proud to be able to provide Emily with a hot bath (it will be mentioned that she even had to add cold water to it !)
It took about 45 minutes and about 12 kettles boiled and two pressure cookers full of boiling water, but I did it !
Let's see

our boiler is 32kW and would fill the bath in 5min + 6min of initial heating for the 50L hot water store (when you first power it on).
that's 32 * 11 / 60 = 5.86 kWh of energy to heat up the bath

kettles = ( 3kW + 2 kW (we have 2 at the moment, thankfully)  * 4 min * 12 times) / 60 = 4 kWh
pressure cooker = 2 * 15 min * 3.5kW for the gas burner / 60 = 1.75 kWh
yep, 5.75 kWh total, about the same , it makes sense :-)

However, obviously the bath level was quite a bit lower with method 2 than when we use the boiler, and also, when you fill a bath in 40min and you pour the water in a cold bathtub and in a cold bathroom, well a lot of energy gets lost in the air... That's why I used about the same energy to heat only 2/3 of the water we would have poured using the boiler.

I suppose it is very nice to have these mighty 35kW available on demand though, so in conclusion, a house needs a boiler, really...
(Emily will be pleased to hear my opinion)
(And I did not even mention central heating, which the boiler happend to take care of, as an added bonus !)

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