Thursday 1 October 2009

how to cut celotex...

Celotex is a weird hard compact foam which is tricky to cut straight.
Basically you use a hand saw, but as you do that, the change of composition/grain direction/density of the foam makes the flexible blade curve in or out, which means that you'll end up with a straight cut on the side you can see, but a nasty curvy one on the other side (the one you can't control).
With my dear brother Emmanuel, we made the perfect team, I/he would handle one end of the saw while the other one would direct the saw on the other side of the board, to keep it in line.
However, now he's gone back home for a week :-( well i've had to innovate, and i came out with the PERFECT solution, slide the saw between 2 scaffolding boards, job done ! (not too clever, after all it's just the concept of a mitre box that I am merely replicating...)
It's obviously not feasable for say the 47degrees 120cm long cut we've had to handle for the top (ridge) of the roof, but for all these small bits, and any not-too-long 90degrees cut, it's great.
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